The following letter should by now have reached all artists that signed up to perform during #TPB10 last summer. Copy and spread. //Erik
Less than a year ago, artists from all over the world (thats you) signed up for the Pirate Bay 10 year anniversary to perform on stage. The event was held in Stockholm with more than 5000 visitors during the whole day. Over 200 artists and band wanted to perform and we did our outmost to get as many as possible on stage. In the end, 60 artists, bands and performers came to create the festival together.
Regardless if you made it to the stage, thanks so much for showing support for what became a festival of artists, sharing, culture and digital freedom.
What we did, was to show the world that it is possible to create fantastic culture and make it available to everyone without the copyright industry pulling the strings. File-sharing is part of the new world and “maintaining hardline kopimi” part of our lives. We don’t deserve to be treated as criminals for living in our own time!
The future of copyright in Europe is uncertain. Politicians in the EU are about to take on a huge copyright reform over the next 5 years. What comes out from that will be game-changing for all artists and creators in the digital era. You will be included in that. One thing is for sure though, without Pirates in the EU, that future will not be bright.
The elections to the EU-parliament will be held in less than a month, and I fear that this is might be our last chance to act. I will never ask you again, but now is the last chance, perhaps the only chance, to make a difference. At least for a very long time.
What I ask of you is really simple.
Record a video where you say your name, or the name of your band, and why you should vote for the Pirate Party. Use your creativity and post it wherever you like. Send it to your fans, friends and family. Send also me a copy, so I can post it everywhere. It doesn’t have to be more than that. You can make the difference. For the better.
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